Oregon is the first state in the nation to vote to legalize psilocybin, which researchers believe could help treat depression, PTSD and addiction. And with a year to go before the implementation deadline January 2022, the Oregon Health Authority is working to develop a system to administer the psychedelic in therapeutic settings in the state. The state still has a lot of work to do but it won’t be too long before Oregonians 21 and over will be able to do something almost no one else in the country can do -- take psychedelic mushrooms in a therapeutic setting.
Read more: www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news
Searching for Normal is a finalist for the 2020 Eric Hoffer Book Awards da Vinci Eye Award for superior cover artwork. Kudos to Rebecca Lown for the cover design!
The Center will focus on how psychedelics (such as psilocybin) affect behavior, brain function, learning and memory, the brain's biology, and mood. Since 2006, the researchers have published studies in more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles. Their research has demonstrated therapeutic benefits of psychedelics for people who suffer from conditions including nicotine addiction and depression and anxiety caused by life-threatening diseases such as cancer. This promising research has paved the way for current studies on treatment of major depressive disorder. https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/09/04/hopkins-launches-psychedelic-center
Sign up for the Center’s newsletter at: hopkinspsychedelic.org
Great to see Suicide prevention getting this kind of attention in DC!
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Facebook is position to help prevent suicide and has partnered with suicide prevention organizations to leverage that position. Facebook is also utilizing artificial intelligence and pattern recognition based on previously reported posts to identify posts by people who may be suicidal.
How Will the Law Help People with Mental Illness?
Here is NAMI's summary:
The law includes key pieces of the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016 (H.R. 2646), the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 (S. 2680), and the Mental Health and Safe Communities Act of 2015 (S. 2002). The Cures Act will improve integration and program coordination across federal agencies that serve people with mental illness and remove unfair barriers to mental health care. It will also address the needs of people with mental illness who become entangled in the criminal justice system.
The 21st Century Cures Act also:
Combats suicide in our schools and communities so precious lives are saved.
Increases the mental health workforce, so more trained professionals can help.
Strengthens the enforcement of the mental health parity law, so health plans are held accountable for the coverage people paid for.
Invests in early intervention, so people get the right mental health care at the right time.
Invests resources to keep people with mental illness out of jails and in treatment.
- See more at: http://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/December-2016/Sign-Sealed-Delivered-Mental-Health-Reform-is-a?utm_source=naminow&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=naminow#sthash.YaDVBhHY.dpuf
Read U.S. Congressman Tim Murphy's summary of the key problems in our nations mental health system and the "Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act H.R. 2646" found at docs.house.gov/meetings/IF/IF14/20150616/103615/BILLS-1142646ih.pdf
Learn more: www.madinamerica.com/2015/06/regarding-representative-tim-murphys-helping-families-in-mental-health-crisis-act-h-r-2646/
A version of the bill may be voted on as early as the end of November 2016. Murphy anticipates bi-partisan support. This important bill currently includes a focus on evidenced-based treatment, expanding the number of beds and the mental health workforce and advancing early intervention and prevention programs and much more.
Congressman Murphy released the following statement:
“This is a landmark moment. The federal government’s course in addressing mental health and illness in America is being fundamentally changed. Congress has finally come together in a bipartisan effort to bring serious mental illness out of the shadows. Now federal agencies will be moving from feel-good programs for behavioral wellness to ones that emphasize evidence-based care for those at highest risk and those with symptoms of serious mental illness. We’ve achieved long-sought reforms by creating an Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use to elevate, integrate and coordinate programs; investing in services for the most difficult to treat cases; expanding the mental health workforce, and so much more.
NPR article describes prevalence of mental illness in school age students as a hidden crisis. As I talk about in my book, addressing this crisis will allow early intervention that research is showing is key to better management of teenage onset mental illness and critical to reducing high school drop-out rates. This article, by Meg Anderson and Kavitha Cardoza, describes the shocking prevalence of mental illness in school-age youth and the role parents, teachers and other school and mental health professionals could play in providing wrap-around services to help struggling youth. Adequate funding is a major barrier.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton just announced her proposal for addressing the state of our nation's broken mental health care system. She has put mental health on the national agenda. Her wide ranging proposal includes critically needed brain and behavior research. This is a big step towards building awareness of the prevalence and cost of mental health and initiating steps to improve the system. Read Liz Szabo's USA Today article.
Suicide prevention advocates can and are making a difference. Look at the Zero suicide bill that just passed in Colorado. Advocates played a major role in getting this accomplished. Their philosophy:
No One Should Die in Isolation and Despair
Check out this youtube video of John Oliver's 2015 show explaining our national mental health system. Great blend of serious issues and humor! Click here to watch now.